“Never before has breathing well been so important for human health”
Do you want to learn how to...
breathe well and attain OPTIMAL HEALTH?
breathe to manage everyday STRESS & ANXIETY?
breathe to help you SLEEP really well?
breathe to help you ENERGISE body and brain?
breathe to help you PERFORM better as a runner, cyclist, athlete and amazing human being?
What will you learn?
With this course - the Breathing Well - I'll take you on a step-by-step, session-by-session journey to help you tap into the very deep well of breathing potential within you. This will affect your wellbeing in a profound, serious and truly positive way. This is not just yoga breathing. In this course, you will:
Learn correct, functional breathing in the way that your body is designed to breathe, which is the basis for optimal movement and optimal health.
Learn practical techniques and get to practise them in-session.
Have a take-home learning point to focus on for a week. This way you will see progress and feel the amazing and positive effects over time.
Have time for questions in-session to make sure you're clear on everything.
Receive a full PDF MANUAL with each week's learning and a full breakdown of each of the breathing techniques, so you can learn in the way you prefer.
Receive FREE access to any 3 of my online yoga sessions during the 21 days (worth £15) so you get to practise your breathing during real movement.
You can contact me at any time during the course to ask questions, clarify points etc.
SESSION 1: Optimal Breathing - learn to breathe how you're designed to breathe.
SESSION 2: Stress-Busting Breathing Techniques to help you control stress levels on a daily basis.
SESSION 3: Breathe Well to Sleep Well: techniques to get you into a night of quality sleep followed by an open-forum discussion and questions to make sure that you're clear on the techniques you're taking forward into your new life of breathing well!
Why should I do this course?
Most people have no idea how they should be breathing, but everyone should know how to breathe well in all life situations - whether managing stress, balancing the nervous system, preparing for sleep, waking the body and brain up, public speaking, increasing athletic performance etc. So, you'll discover how you can harness the full potential and power of your breath to help you flourish in all areas of your life.
When is the course?
It's a 21 day course of 3 live online Zoom sessions on Tuesdays at 7.30pm - 8.45pm, starting SOON. If you can't make the session times, don't worry, you can catch up with the session recordings throughout the course - I’ll email you the link for you to watch at your convenience.
If you’re new to online classes on Zoom please check out my helpful Online Yoga page here.
What’s my investment?
There is an early bird price of £40 (normal price £50) and you'll also receive a BONUS GIFT to join 3 of my online sessions (worth £15) that will give you the opportunity to practise your breathing.
Any questions?
Please just ask:
Tel Scott 07534 851143
FB Messenger Myogabody Scott
One more question...
Do you want to breathe really well, in order to feel really well?
Then please join me in the BREATHING WELL!
NamaStay Well!
Myogabody Scott